Do Paintball Scars Go Away?

Paintball Scars Go Away? In this we will answer to this question and more related questions. Paintball is an interesting and competitive game to play with friends and family. The game involves wearing protective gear, selecting teams, and shooting from a far distance. Also, if you are good at shooting with a gun, this is a fun game.

It is a fun and challenging game until you see the scars on your skin and bruises. In this game, having bruises from a paintball gun is unavoidable. But this is not to be worried about. This will fade away naturally in a few days.

But if you are shot from a close range with high speed. Then your skin may be damaged and leaves some serious scars. Luckily, The paintball scars fade away, and there are some ways to boost the speed of the process.

How to Get Rid of Paintball Scars?

Here are some suggestions on how to prevent and remove paintball scars.

Clean and disinfect

To get rid of scars, you have to get immediate care and attention to further prevent the scar on the skin. And not only this, but with all wounds, you have to get immediate care; cleaning is always the first step to prevent wounds.

Get an antiseptic liquid at home, pour a small amount of it directly on the top of the skin where the wound or the scar is, and gently press it with a cotton pad.

It will help remove the dirt and provide a clear view of the scar. After cleaning, place an ice pack on top of your bruise to stop further swelling.

Repeat these steps three to four times daily for 15 minutes; doing this will help greatly.

Home Remedies

After cleaning and numbing your wound, You can go for natural options. Most of these are topical lotions and oils used to apply to your skin.

But if you have skin allergies or other conditions, it is best to consult a doctor first. Better safe than sorry.

For treatment, we have mentioned some oil and creams for you to apply on your scar once a day:

Aloe vera and Arnica creams:

The first are the Aleo vera and Arnica creams. These are great for the treatment of inflammation in the body.

They boost the recovery of your cells and assist your skin in healing faster by applying this one day at a time on your scar until it fades away and eases off. Researchers have found that Alo vera cream can reduce bruise pain and inflammation.

In 2010, According to a case study, Arnica herb was discovered to reduce swelling and inflammation; it also helps to boost the recovery of the bruise.

Witch hazel oil:

Witch hazel oil is also used to repair damaged skin. It contains a constituent called Tannin that helps in repairing damaged skin. Its few drops will clear your skin as it never hurts.

Vitamin-k and Vitamin-C- added serums and gels:

You can also apply Vitamin-K and Vitamin-C lotions that will help you for the healing of your bruise:


Applying Vitamin-K lotion on your bruise or swelling after being hit by a paintball can help slow down the blood clotting that shows the color of your bruise and reduce bleeding below the skin.


Applying Vitamin-C on your bruise can help you get rid of the dark spots and marks left by injuries and wounds.

Dermatologist-Recommendations and Medications

Ignoring your scars is easy when you have medication for the scars available at home and in your local drug stores.

But if you see no results after a few days of home medication, you must visit your dermatologist for further consultations and treatment.

The doctor would assess your scar and prescribe you the ointments and medications that you would require. For faster results, be consistent and follow their guidance.

Besides the treatment, you can also ask for pain relievers to reduce the stinging, if needed. Don’t delay reaching out to a doctor, as we know proper medication can save you time and money.


Relaxing your body is needed even if you have a small scar or wound on your body. What you eat or apply to your skin is not sufficient. It is recommended to give a break to your body by rest to recover your body.

Avoid energy-consuming activities until your body recovers from wounds and scars. Delay your paintball session for some time until you recover.

As we all know, sleep is a key role in the regeneration of cells. So for faster healing, you need to sleep at least eight hours daily.

You can also prevent further inflammation and swellings by elevating the affected area throughout the day.

Stack some pillows on your bed and put your arms and legs up for 30 minutes; only 30 minutes will do the trick. If you are watching some show, you will not even notice.


If the scar goes deep in the skin, affecting other nerves and tissues of your body, the doctor will recommend a minor surgery.

Some doctors will suggest laser removal. You have likely heard of it, which helps with small and medium-sized scars. If you have no financial issues and your medical conditions are set, you can choose this option.

In most cases of scarring, it does not require surgery. Surgery depends on how severe your wounds are. Furthermore, visit your doctor, mainly when the pain and the scarring continue longer.

How Long Will It Take To Heal?

As you follow all these steps persistently, You will be curious to ask how much longer it will take to heal and clean your skin.

It depends on three points:

  • the intensity of the strike
  • position of wounds
  • Your skin’s sensitivity

The players struck from close range will get deeper and more serious wounds than those struck from a distance. You should follow the 20-foot minimum distance rule during the game.

The point of the scar also matters; if you get hit on the arms or the face, then the chances are that you will heal faster.

But if you are shot at your back, legs, or stomach, it will take more time because more blood vessels are affected.

However, the healing process depends on your skin sensitivity. If you have sensitive skin, then expect that your wounds will take time around three to four weeks to fade away,


There are ways to get rid of paintball scars. They do not stay on your skin forever. They can be treated at home or with medical help and care.

Take immediate action no matter how small or serious your wounds are. By taking immediate action, you can prevent yourself from further marking, swelling, and also infections.